Tuesday, July 24, 2007

what does it mean to be poor...

So obviously I expected to see poverty when i came down here... but how quickly you become used to seeing shacks as houses, kids with no shoes, families crammed in a small one room house...
I've been praying lately for God to open me eyes to see things in a new way while I'm down here - to reveal new things to me....

i've been stirred alot about what it means to be poor. in the full sense of the word.

i took one of my interns to visit a family her church had built a house for a few years back. they maintained a relationship and wanted to drop in for a visit. what an incredible family it was! Jacob was the father of this family of 4 - two daughters, and his wife. Quickly they invite us all into there home. how many of us do that - when visitors drop in unexpected we grumble or wish we had notice to prepare something for them. instead, they immediately offer us a coke or somethingto eat. we find a spot of some dusty old chairs, and quickly learn of Jacob's passion and minsitry. He recently started a cell group/church out of his home. Every Tuesday and Saturday Jacob hooks up an old CDplayer, and some old school speakers and hosts an informal time of worship and teaching. his neighbors come over, they share in community together, they worship on there beaten down instrument that were just covered by a tarp, sitting outside his house. he shares with us his vision and passion to share christ with those around him, how he wants to build a 'real church' in his community. his need right now? just for some screws and parts to help fix his drum kit. but they can't afford that...
he was a simple man. with a simple vision really. and even tho he now had a yugo house, it was still obvious they were poor. but they were so rich. in spirit. in love. in generosity.

many of the pastors and national workers i meet here are teaching me lessons on what it means to be rich in spirit, even if they are poor in the world. I am being shown again how so many of us live lives that are full of stuff, but we are so poor... so poor in spirit....

i know these aren't new things. or earth shattering reflections. but i have names and faces to "these people" now. I have made friends here who are reminding me of what the beatitudes are talking about...

may you be full of the riches of God's blessings today...

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