Saturday, July 3, 2010


So i've been thinking about the concept of space lately. Whether it physical space or mental head space or spiritual space...

I think it's one thing that I have wrestled and defined and redefined many times here. I live in community - 24-7. My house is located in the middle of the camp. My office is about 80 steps away from where I sleep. Sometimes the camp is filled with 200 other people sharing the same space as where I live and work. Currently Im living with 6 of my 'ninas' - 6 girls who are interning with EOC this summer (from canada, us, and mexico! it's actually quite beautiful!) My schedule often starts from 6am to 11pm with litle space to sometimes breathe or rest or stop. Then there are other times and seasons when the camp is empty and my world has so much space and time and it's a bit lonely.

Im not sure I've found that balance of space entirely yet. Using space wisely and intentionally... knowing when to pull out and read and pray and retreat. Or knowing when to step out and connect and seek out community. It's a tricky balance but an important one. We need physical, emotional, and spiritual space to recharge. But we also need community. Im learning I thrive most when I've found that balance.

We are just about half way through our summer run of teams. The biggest weeks still to come. We have a stacked team of interns and volunteers, we have full camps, and programs prepared. We are ready. I think (hope) I am too. This past week was a quite week and so I think Im geared up to serve these teams well. These weeks will be full in all senses of the word and in all forms of space - but I hope I will be intentional with my space these next two months - Enjoying the joys of community and busyness of the season, but also knowing when to pull back and recharge.

Pastor Fransisco skips with some kids in his community.

Summer intern team 2010

Chapel reno fun!

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