Tuesday, December 23, 2008


ok, so before you start hatin' on me about getting out of the snow, 
we haven't exactly been enjoying sun and fun over here.
we don't have rain, but enjoying lots of rain. and what do you get when you cross a dusty, sandy city with lots of rain?
not that im complaining. i'd take this over "Snowmageddon" anyday...

Please remember to take some time to pray for the many people who don't have the comforts of a cement floor, a real roof, or warm blankets... 
its crazy how quickly I even forget about that. As I complained about my shoes getting muddy as I'd walk across the street, I didn't even think about the people I meet and see everyday who are really impacted by weather like this.  EOC is partnering with local government and 'redcross' type groups to aid in any way we can. 

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